Do yo know how to choose a workshop?

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Publicado el 16 de Julio de 2014

Do yo know how to choose a workshop?
Choosing a workshop to give good service to your vehicle can bring you more than one headache, in our city we have all options: economic, reliable, far, near, with extensive experience in the field or new. In this article you will find tips that will guide you in the seemingly-complicated search for a new workshop for your car. 
Before we begin, let's establish some order in the priorities of service you are looking for: 
1. QoS. 
2. Effectiveness (Time). 
3. Reliability. 
4. Prices. 
This of course, is only a guide and may for you, the order of their needs is different, but let's see; having established this order, it is worth mentioning the years of your vehicle. New cars usually offer a warranty that supports him can be addressed in the workshops of its dealers, generating a cost-benefit that should already be familiar with. If your vehicle loses these years or mileage warranty, it is best to find an independent shop where you will have better access to spare parts and continue to be cheaper than taking it to the dealer workshop. 
An important detail to consider is to check the item shop in Lima, there workshop devoted solely to "Ironing and Painting", others are for "Electronic Services" and so on; well, there are workshops that combine all of these services or have third parties that perform the service within their property. All this has to be determined at the first visit or the first contact you have with the managers of the place, so you know exactly what services apply and where. 
Verify that the parts to be placed on your vehicle are new and quality. If only parts need to be repaired, the workshop managers should leave it before agreeing to meet any service or maintenance. 
Pay special attention to the budget, before leaving the vehicle, it must be stipulated price and tenure-extimada an hour, two days, etc.-if some of this change is the responsibility of the workshop you advance notice so that, can decide what is done on your vehicle. For this, you must leave your clear data at the time of delivering the vehicle.